AGM 12th February – Sydney

Saturday 12th February, 2:00 pm, AGM at my home. If you belong to a group other than the Sydney Group, and you would like to join us please contact Glennis Clark, Sydney Group Coordinator for more information.

Rose Pruning – Barbara’s Garden Rookwood

Annual pruning working bee. 10am start Park in the car park opposite the All Souls Chapel. The rose garden is behind the car park. Please bring your own tools and chair. Bring your own morning tea and lunch or available […]

Rose Pruning at Parramatta Park

Please bring your own tools and chair. BYO morning tea and lunch or available at nearby cafe.

19th WFRS World Convention

Adelaide Convention Centre North Terrace, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

NEW DATES ANNOUNCED FOR THE WFRS WORLD ROSE CONVENTION IN 2022 Rosarians in Australia and across the world are looking forward to the 19th World Federation of Rose Societies World Rose Convention – hosted by the National Rose Society of […]

Sydney Christmas Lunch 2022

To be held at Sous le Soleil, Roseville Park, 60A Clanville Road, Roseville RSVP by 29/11/22 to Sue Ballinger or local coordinator for more information.

Heritage Roses in Australia Conference 2023

Novotel Glen Waverley 285 Springvale Road, Glen Waverley, Victoria, Australia

HRIA 15th National Conference Glen Waverley, Victoria. Friday 27th to Monday 30th October 2023  Post Conference Tour REGISTRATION IS NOW CLOSED Thank you to all the members who have expressed an interest to attend the conference. The Novotel Glen Waverley […]

Garden Visit and Powerpoint presentation

Visit to the Ballinger's garden in Pymble which will include a Powerpoint presentation on the HRIA Biennial Conference 2023. Contact local Coordinator for full details.

Dural NSW Garden Visit

Visit to member’s garden in Dural. Contact Group Coordinator for details if you are interested in attending.

Rookwood NSW Working Bee

A special working bee at Rookwood to do a general tidy up. In other words weeding and dead heading. The Rookwood Groundsmen will then mulch so that we should be prepared for the NSW Rose Society visit on 30th October. […]

Rookwood NSW Rose Society Visit

We will be hosting a visit to Rookwood by the NSW Rose Society’s Regional Groups. The day will involve Barbara’s Garden, two talks in The All Souls Chapel – the Rookwood historian Mark Bundy on the history of Rookwood and […]

Wentworth Falls NSW Garden Visit

Visit to a garden in Wentworth Falls. We will be meeting with the Blue Mountains and Nepean Group. Please bring your own picnic morning tea, lunch and chair. The owners will provide hot water, tea, coffee and mugs. I believe […]

Northern Sydney NSW Rose Society New Regional Group Launch

Launch event for a new regional group of the Rose Society. Venue - Meeting Room 1, Gordon Library, 799 Pacific Highway, Gordon. A new regional group, called Northern Sydney, is being launched by The Rose Society of NSW. This new […]

Heritage Roses New Zealand National Conference

Heritage Roses New Zealand National Conference "Heritage Roses - Wild and Tamed" Cromwell, New Zealand. Registration Now Open. Registration includes options for pre-conference and post-conference tours.  

Kenthurst NSW Christmas Lunch – Sydney group

Heritage Roses Sydney Christmas lunch 2024. Venue: The Grove café recently taken over by Mother Earth Nursery, 1A Annangrove Road, Kenthurst. Details will be via a special newsletter / email on 20th November.

* Please contact your regional coordinator for further event details *